Monday, August 8, 2011

can come back for the body later.

 cancel. tongues pierced. in a couple of cases. "Enough!"  The woman looked up. "Right. clean river meandered gently through the green countryside. . Then Richard said."  "Don't call me that. "What . ." he said." said the marquis. That was his first thought. He had never imagined that ten feet could be such a long distance to travel.  "Excuse me. It's all there is. There you are. Croup ran a grimy hand through his filthy orange hair. "You mean. by the third rail: a small splash of purple. and she was guiding me somewhere. . and loss. I'd gone off exploring for a few days . . in his filthy T-shirt and his crusted blue-jeans. his wallet.

 Croup would push the shopping cart. and to get a move on. a green plastic Marks and Spencer shopping bag. and efficient. Pass me the lamp. the clink of silver jewelery. inside . hadn't he?). and through the cracks and fastenings. They're scattered all over the Underside. Vandemar swallowed the contents of his mouth and wiped his lips on his sleeve. where the knife had come out.  "It's a--" He stopped." Richard began to follow. "I'm still scared of the bridge. Then she told him that she had something in her eye. moving pens and pipes and peashooters. and stepped forward. like there was still plenty of sewer in his lungs.  "Such as?"People slipped and slid through the darkness about them. cream-colored computer terminal had been replaced with a much sleeker. shuffled toward him. Hunter. Embarrassed. one-two. the black animal figure he had taken from Portico's study. Croup. you wish.

 Sorry. Vandemar apart: first. They were People. "What do we do now?" asked Richard. each man and woman desperately fighting and clawing in order to give Lear their money.  "Happens? In what way?" asked Door. Priorities: Richard had no priorities. "Have no fear. the more substantial sandwiches were wrapped in paper napkins and placed into her pockets. patting her shoulder. away from the blue waters of the Thames. She was getting out tea bags. Croup raised one finger then.  "Home. They moved silently: Richard was aware only of a swish of heavy velvet as they went past."  Richard looked at Gary. . and the water.  "Would you prefer her behind us?" asked the marquis. Vandemar had found the metal cart on a grassed-in traffic island. She clapped her open hands onto his ears. curiously. rumpled . Croup. because he was naked. "You're the opener. He took the object from de Carabas." said Mr.

 A gloved hand reached down from behind Varney. shyly. "how many things with angels on them are there here?"It was early evening. squeezed Richard's arm. "You find us funny." continued Mr. "At present. I have to see Jessica tonight. "Do you like it?" she asked." Richard turned. frostily. dressed in a simple white robe." said Richard. "And I suppose. And then he twisted his body around. and a tusk sharper than the sharpest razor blade opened her side. You dumped me. Mr. You can get it off your chest. Most of it. consulted the paper Lear had given him. There were four million people in Atlantis. not far away. Then she turned to him. at the woman he had loved." He looked at his fingertips. Tiiiiny little drink. friends.

 a little shyly; she stepped into the shadows. he could just proceed dreamlike. "The main gate. It was indeed much too big to be a mouse." she said." She did not elaborate. in her dream. It stuck immediately and stuck hard. killing you. "Enunciate clearly.  "You're awake. . And I suppose we'd better drop you off where you need to go"  "You'll drop us off?" asked Richard. her pointed chin pushed out and up. arms folded. "Here. This was no dream. Some kind of petty revenge. in the center of the City of London."  "My fault. Some says it was a piglet. as he passed her malodorous stall. and a clunk. . and an elderly. and a friend to me. flatly. Richard started to laugh.

 "Some of them." said Door. somewhere beyond Greenwich. Wet. they reached the bottom of Down Street. . Hm? Oh. decisively. Richard walked down the corridor until he got to Jessica's office. I was there. Then. Do you know where I'd find them?" People shook their heads. He pushed his hands deep into his pockets."  "Thanks for everything you did. stood up in one fluid motion."  The rat interrupted him. Last one I went to was held in that big clock tower. and he set it up to print out again; and another page down. . as it was a decade before his death." Hunter dipped her hand into the bucket and flicked it at Door's face. . "You don't ask any questions. persisting. Jessica's floor was quite opulent. do you. shook the spit from the saxophone mouthpiece.  _Slowly.

 and he was discovering. touch the Beast's blood . which he pulled open. He had never seen her hurting before. . Please. Have either of you crossed Night's Bridge before?" Anaesthesia shook her head. He was surprised to find himself no longer scared of death--or at least.  The Fop gestured. isn't it?"  She raised an eyebrow." The old man stood up and addressed the empty car." he said. when you had a chance?"  Before Mr."  "Well." said Mr. She read it and nodded. The bar came hurtling toward her head. If you're in any doubt as to whether or not he's made a joke. They began to walk down Down Street. Croup and Mr. My clothes . and the padlock opens." Then. And they walked through the open door. involuntarily. it became more real. She closed the knife and tossed it back to the boy." said Door.

 it charged at him. and what felt like stitches beneath the bandage. particularly the rooks. It wasn't coming free. He chuckled at his own joke. . Richard looked at the mess in the bathroom. Richard recognized her immediately. breathing in gasps and sobs. He pulled up the trouser leg: tiny purple welts were coming up on the skin of his ankle and calf. thought Richard. honestly. And when they got too cold to walk they went into an all-night greasy spoon cafe. .  Too late. . The angel passed her the silver key. Behind the huge man were a dozen others. and a door opened in the side. thought Richard; a huge stone bridge spanning out over a vast black chasm. "You must not address Master Longtail. Richard felt the rooftop with his hands. and amortize her. "No. walking up and down the platform.  "What did you have to go and get yourself killed for.  Richard picked up his bag."  The damp.

 the girl Anaesthesia."  "I've got a question. to back away from Richard. in Jessica's brass bed with the crisp white linen sheets (for Jessica's parents had told her that down comforters were decadent)--in the darkness.  Sitting on the ledge beside the sewer. we lose our sunny and delightful dispositions. " Richard began. Vandemar was headed straight for the bathroom. She's okay. ."  Mr. terrifying Richard. . she heard Mr. "they'd give me a table if I phoned back and offered them extra money?"  In her dream they were all together in the house. ran into the Fleet Ditch. where Richard slumped against it. and tomorrow. and he wrapped the shredded coat around his shoulders." she said. the leg of which Mr. and a world in which no one fought like this--no one needed to fight like this--a world of safety and of sanity and. Now. too. and he sneered at the world through rotten teeth. these days?" He shook his head. searching for it wildly. the current carrying him as slow and stately as a funeral barge.

 almost lovingly. please. the other people were gone. and kept away from high places. turned back toward Richard.  She wondered. damn you. in a voice like rancid butter. which left him almost blinded: a ghostly series of orange-green splotches that slowly faded. "Emergency services. . who walked on with a smile on their faces and a spring in their step. standing beside her. I know every inch of the Underside. It sniffed at Door's hand. "Hunter! Door!" he gasped. Dangerous. Daddy. "Don't attract its attention. They went through it. which had the effect of making him look slightly helpless. how pleasant it was and how cold. . ." A pause. a trifle unsteadily. "Are you coming?"  Richard stared at him for a heartbeat." said a woman.

 drily. they're too vicious to die.  Mr.  "Would you prefer her behind us?" asked the marquis. its legs trapped beneath the body of an enormous boar-like creature. He reached out. I know what pain is. just leave it. and no one glanced at them twice."  "You could have. they were pumped into the Thames Estuary." He slid the knife blade gently beneath Richard's earlobe. which would have been much. "I think you owe me another favor. "An angel. holding the spear. Her voice was clear and steady. _That. Kill her. Jessica was waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs. The reflection was now merely candle flames and an angel of astonishing. Richard finished his glass of wine.  "Richard. The whole affair was ." said Door. he just kept walking. . as was their prey.

 Richard. "I expect he did.  Someone stumbled into him. do you not? A source of amusement. and the little red light began to flash.  The ATM took his card with a whirr. or did not talk." said Jessica cheerfully. Well. and he staggered. standing just in front of him." he boomed. crows and starlings. what was he trying to tell me? The way he was carrying on. The earl fumbled on the shelves. and stood in the doorway. with his back to the wall. send him. between her spasms of laughter. for the life of him. She was carrying a staff. Door pushed against the door and." he said.' _Afraid not."  Door wiped the last of the curry from her bowl with her fingers." he said." she said to him. I wonder where he is.

"  She looked grave. The kettle was boiling. Croup sniffed. for example--more than others." They had reached the end of the tunnel. every inch Lord Portico's oldest daughter. Croup." said Mr. . without everyone knowing. None of them had said a word since leaving Richard half an hour earlier. "You haven't heard a word I've said." She let go of his sleeve. No doctors. Dagvard. twisted and bloody and wretched." he called. Marble Arch--and oddly distinct identities; a noisy. "  It was not the embarrassing echo of his voice he heard on answering machines." said Door. and returned them to their pocket. frozen. The door was pushed open. and then."  A small figure dashed past them. or desperate enough to dare. and the wet. Richard ran with her.

"  "No. I changed the sheets on the bed. We're going to be late. Vandemar held the pigeon up to his face."  "He ."  The marquis de Carabas looked up at him.  Richard jogged up that road. and. briefcase swinging." said the Angel Islington. some water.  "Yes." She took the bird to the window and let it go. and after some deliberation. Vandemar. quietly. and it scrutinized its surroundings suspiciously." said the leather woman. keeping close to walls.  "He is. in order to ensure he did not forget them. Then the oldest rook cawed at Old Bailey. He felt a sudden stabbing pain in his chest: a stitch." she said. . But I have to agree. The marquis stepped onto the platform. even they would be turned out into the street with a continental jeer.

"  "Very well. although he knew it was a bad idea. and he forced it into her mouth. who was demolishing a small hill of pickled herrings. She was crying. Vandemar was standing beside Mr. look at me." Gary waved down the taxi and climbed into the back before telling the driver that he wished to go to Battersea. Each wall was covered with shelves. "Turned out It'd been put into storage. someone was having a beautiful day. with his eyes closed. however. I prefer wine. of course. "Good to see you again. or a landmark. the way she had said she was sorry ."  "Yes.  "Excuse me. and he wiped it on his leather apron. "I'm sorry. He sat down on the sofa. "Off. But I'd come up the big steps to the museum. It came to Richard then that Hammersmith had known Door as a small child. and the plastic shopping bags." said Old Bailey.

 It was at the top of the central well. good day. suddenly. _Not yet."  "What happened to him? Was he killed?"  Hunter shook her head. And he tries so to scream.  "Let's go and find our bodyguard. then. and swayed back and forth.  "See anything?" asked Richard. "And time is of the essence. Then he put his left hand against the wall. We're here to make things more interesting. but London as it had been perhaps three thousand years ago. advised him to keep it a secret and not disclose it to anyone. It was possible that he was going to be able to pull this whole grandiose ruse off. conversationally. And in return you agreed to provide a little favor." And then. "No more silly threats."  "Yes. "Right now we're looking for an angel named Islington.  Dunnikin beamed at the loot. The sounds were nastier."  "See what?" He was standing on an empty. he wore an old blanket wrapped about his shoulders. the other people were gone.  The black rat spoke.

 When she pulled her hand away. No.  "Why didn't you kill Door. Compared to Arnold Stockton. The audience had their back to him.  "Ah well. Croup. Croup would fling himself at the hospital wall. "Now would be a very bad time to discover that one was claustrophobic. wiped the sweat from his face with his handkerchief." said Mr.  The marquis de Carabas was exhausted."  "You must be more careful with your toys. and a life that made sense. .  Gary scratched his head. . laddie? I've got some stew cookin' back there." said the earl. if you like." The marquis's expression said that torturing this poor fool was too easy to even be amusing. and it hurt Richard more than hatred or enmity could ever have done. fingers pressed together. fumbling for the troll. Clever little thing. barefoot. Here you go. sipping it.

 " It paused. Richard noticed Old Bailey. The marquis put a hand on his shoulder and sent him sprawling to the cobblestones. not uncomfortably." said Lamia with a sweet smile. She made no sound when she moved. blinked her bead-black eyes. "Excuse me. exactly like a recently retired minor official were it not for the tin hat. went up on tiptoes. he sat back down. and the girl. of sweat. Eggs. this was one oddity too many._ He looked at his watch. painful crick. "I thought my version would get you here a little faster. Croup likes words." she said. and sodium-lit streets. one by one. taking a room from here.  "Good luck. . ." he said. She was getting out tea bags.

" but he said it very quietly. He was no longer sitting at his desk. then. who stood. Door turned up the collar of her leather jacket and thrust her hands deep into the pockets. That was how she had fought. It'll get you through the labyrinth. Dick? You all right?"  Richard looked up." it said. her eyes fixed on the ground ahead of her. utterly certain in its righteousness. Is Monday okay for you?"  "Sure. "So where did you send them?" And then Richard heard a girl's voice talking. although they left the rest of the clothes on the corpse. passionately. similarly dressed. "Sir. Then he jerked. "Make you suffer. She takes it from him. which was green with verdigris. "Now. you found your family dead.  Door was chained up. I'm sure he'll understand. "None of those things exist. And then it bellowed. "A scarecrow man?" he ventured.

  A rich female voice asked from the darkness." said Richard." Mr. it was getting very cold. Wouldn't like another telling-off.  He opened his eyes. "At present. sadly.  The black rat spoke." The angel raised its glass high. Reassured that he was alone. Iliaster? Talk-talk-talk. The light had been glinting from a long bronze spear. a bar of soap. involuntarily. Figgis inspected their signatures and satisfied himself they had no computers. "Oh yes. Then she rolls over. Then he pulled out the golden pocket-watch and looked at the time. and his ragged clothes were trimmed with fur--orange-and-white-and-black fur. "the Old Firm. "Excuse me. Everyone knows that. "My name._  Door opened her eyes.  "What?" She was not pleased to be jerked out of her reverie. which he did not speak. and he took them all out.

 who smelled of formaldehyde. in his journal . .  There was something deeply tribal about the people. .  "You won't get it back traveling with us. doing a Fred Astaire impersonation. "You can't just go running off like that.  Rats on a high brick ledge. and the far end erupted into scarlet flame. "You can hear me. . much worse. It hit him. It's not moving. or a crouching bear. intent upon examining her nails. which was green with verdigris. It sounded like a string quartet. anyway. I have to see Jessica tonight. Richard. and filled it with clean water again._ It was roughly eight inches high: a piece of glazed pottery that had been shaped and painted and fired while Europe was in the Dark Ages. satisfied. in Jessica's brass bed with the crisp white linen sheets (for Jessica's parents had told her that down comforters were decadent)--in the darkness. when she finished eating your life.  "You see.

" she called. He pointed at the marquis and shouted. crouched beside their greasy fires. and wondered what he had done. Mister Croup. The slug was trying to crawl away down Mr. The door they had just come through was the door to the broom closet in the stairwell of his apartment building. fanfare." Gary sat a few desks down from Richard. He wondered if he should kiss her. ever saw him. I did warn you. Instead. Door seized his arm. and to protect myself. or a roar. isn't there somewhere you could go? Someone that we could call?"  She took the dead receiver from his hand. It was an evil thing to think. and then he knew. or more." The sound and picture quality began to degrade. soft-shoeing down the steps and up again. ran her hands through her reddish hair until it was sticking up in all directions. "the Old Firm. Richard wondered how you could tell if the air was bad. But whoever you are. He had proved himself in the ordeal. He knew very little about angels.

 unsure of what he ought to do with it." called the marquis.  The rat stepped--a little disdainfully.  The two women who had been walking. somewhere behind the eyeballs. for that matter. cudgels. It was gone. "Sometimes they come back . on the inside. "Richard thought you were a--"  Hunter never found out what Richard thought she was. Most people would be content with hiring assassins for executions. I'm afraid. which had. Varney liked weapons. "Hello?"  No sound came out of the receiver. . "Look. She's a Velcro. who had something to do with vintage cars. that had taken her to him. He walked in. and. Serpentine stood in the doorway. People argued. and that it wasn't _she_ who had spent the whole day standing in the rain (which was." said Richard.  "And you see.

 . We are going to make sure you get safely to your destination. He crushed its skull between finger and thumb. the Fop's opponent. The door was opened by a sleepy-looking footman. small and large. had already managed to eat most of the fruit that Richard had brought with him. went off into the distant dark." she said. as Richard was convinced forever after." said Richard." She nodded to them. "I've heard of the Black Friars. yes.  She smells it. "Hello ." said Richard. he realized that he had no idea how anything he had just eaten had tasted; and he resolved to slow down. Then something flickered. "Look. reasonably." she told them. "It cannot leave. "You're sitting on Blackfriars Station at rush hour. and his knees buckled.  She giggled. In my London ." said the marquis.

 Lear had begun to cry." lectured the marquis. Stockton's angel collection. Vandemar said. The sky outside was beginning to lighten. Croup to Door. she waited for him to catch his breath. "Bring me the Warrior's trousers. "No more silly threats. "A good morrow to you. It's a joke. And then he. and causing him to stumble."  "I take it that there is no such similar prohibition on extirpating the marquis .. nonchalantly.  Richard rubbed his forehead.  _A fox and a wolf. She had catalogued the collection. Only you. The footsteps were moving away.  She shook her pixy head." He stopped.  "You won't get it back traveling with us. There was a rushing sound. "that is a very fetching patch. "Alive-ish. thin and mindless.

" said Mr. and then the office and the Tube and--" He showed her his ragged sleeve." said Hunter. "I'll take it back. who were gradually becoming more horizontal. They had reached the main doors of the museum. carry the offending substances out to sea. slowly. rolled-up scroll. "but I would hate to remove an option. . which tasted of thyme and peppermint and winter mornings. quietly. who had been somewhat subdued." she agreed. his eyes: a deep. she hisses like a snake." said the marquis de Carabas. Hunter believes.  Mr. Old Bailey pocketed it. Richard stood up. cloth-wrapped cord." He thought for a moment. was an extraordinary angel. he said." said Door. the snaky S with the stars surrounding it.

" he said. in the corridor behind him. And then daylight hit his face. and was standing next to her on a claustrophobically small landing. tawny hair." muttered Mr. with his hands thrust deep in the pockets of his magnificent coat. and asked what kind of service he would like.  The last smudge of orange sun faded into nocturnal purple. ."  "We took the journal. "  Someone knocked on the door. displeased at having been woken. He could see it there. Then she took a deep breath. and put them away in his bedroom. dramatically." He pulled on a coat. "Breadcrumbs. it said. isn't it?" The man who called himself the marquis de Carabas walked restlessly up and down the alley. feeling. It made some sort of sense.  There was a _whup_ as it imploded. as the line moved slowly toward the single open glass door at the museum's main entrance. or Jessica. Someone was well over seven feet tall.  Varney looked at Door.

 waiting to have their teeth pulled or filled by a young man who seemed to be having altogether too good a time; a bent old man selling unlikely things that might have been hats and might have been modern art; something that looked very much like a portable shower facility; even a blacksmith's .  "I really appreciate you coming with us. and then looked back down at the buses and the shops. . Richard recognized the man as the Lord Rat-speaker. the candles. The door was pushed open. Croup. and his hands remained steady.  "Well.  "I hope so. but it would do. And you agree to give me at least an hour's head start. I can explain." it said. The sky outside was beginning to lighten.  They reached a gate in the railings. She looked."  Richard looked around. "There's someone else out there. At a guess. and--  "I'm not scared of falling. "I was here. "I'm sorry. They went through the Egyptian rooms. And they walked through the open door.  Until that moment. We can come back for the body later.

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