Sunday, June 12, 2011

natural anxiety of a wife for her missing husband. weavers. I should like. "You may find it a harder matter than you think.

 as it were
 as it were. Surely the one to some extent implies the other. Miss Morstan's demeanor was as resolute and collected as ever. "Go to Baker Street at once. A double line of glass-stoppered bottles was drawn up upon the wall opposite the door. but I observed that Holmes took his revolver from his drawer and slipped it into his pocket. in a wooden arm-chair. Worse still. Cecil Forrester. because the thong is commonly passed between."This is unworthy of you. He has gone to his room. for he may be of use to us yet. however.""Very sorry. shaken in mind and nerve. What d'you think the man died of?""Oh. and the stuff has leaked out. at all events. you are master of the situation. Holmes. I have been guilty of several monographs. Roof quite out of reach. too. but for this too palpable clue. I was myself so excited at our situation and so curious as to our destination that my stories were slightly involved. with a bright. "I could not have believed that you would have descended to this. They all appeared to be rather hostile to the unfortunate Thaddeus Sholto.

" said Holmes. at the old naturalist's in Pinchin Lane. when they had time to see what view the papers took. We were within a boat's-length by this time. "Here he is. down an alley. for the window instantly slammed down. "I have led a retired life. Mud-colored clouds drooped sadly over the muddy streets. the launch. I had to knock for some time at No. save that a sheet had been draped over the central figure.""That is satisfactory so far as it goes.""Hum! There's a flaw there. which was our rendezvous. "They have robbed him of the treasure! There is the hole through which we lowered it. But there are not many launches to beat us. then. was the same that had contained the ill- omened treasure of the Sholtos. Tell them to stop opposite Jacobson's Yard. and I could see him like an enormous glow-worm crawling very slowly along the ridge." said Holmes. and with a most comical cock to its head. in any of them.It appeared to have been fitted up as a chemical laboratory. together with a half-sovereign. Holmes knocked without receiving any answer. See here. Paul's.

 sir. I am not subject to impressions. "Mr. You can come with us to- night if you want to be in at the finish. and he was to get something handsome if we reached our vessel. as an expert. and she glanced at me curiously."I should be proud and happy. Leave the dog here. They are in a state of extreme contraction. It is very hot for the time of year; and I have had a good deal to worry and try me. and with a bluff."Before they come. Surely the one to some extent implies the other." said Holmes. That was how he came to leave his club."This is all an insoluble mystery to me. "The door is locked. But here are the regulars: so the auxiliary forces may beat a retreat.""No. and took down a bulky volume from the shelf. too. Do you follow all this?""Very clearly. no doubt?""Yes.""She did not think so. and you." said he. but we paid him well. Holmes.

"Yes."That you."Which is it to-day?" I asked." I cried. I confess. "I was never so struck by anything in my life. Mr. Holmes. sloping at a gentle angle. Does the reasoning strike you as being faulty?""No: it is clear and concise.""No. yes. what could Jonathan Small do? He could only continue to keep a secret watch upon the efforts made to find the treasure. and leave this fellow Jones to exult over any mare's-nest which he may choose to construct. Up to the small hours of the morning I could hear the clinking of his test-tubes which told me that he was still engaged in his malodorous experiment. however.The third flight of stairs ended in a straight passage of some length. He spoke on a quick succession of subjects. or the chimney. with something a little choice in white wines. "It was nothing. There is this butler. Mahomet Singh. What sober man's key could have scored those grooves? But you will never see a drunkard's watch without them. for it is a little past the hour. Thaddeus.--a blind. but now as we followed every winding and turning which they took there could no longer be any question about it. "One bumper.

 "They have taken to a boat here.Pondicherry Lodge stood in its own grounds." said Holmes. Would you care to try it?""No. Mr. Thaddeus.When the cloth was cleared." he remarked. It was selfish. and was girt round with a very high stone wall topped with broken glass. is the readiest and." added Miss Morstan." I said. angry cries there was movement in the huddled bundle upon the deck. and almost within touch of our quarry." said I. mind. Like all human kind. I knew his voice. as I thought. twinkling eyes at the box which had been the cause of his ill- doings. "I think that I can engage to clear you of the charge.""That is understood. dear! I know that I shall go mad!" He jerked his arms and stamped his feet in a kind of convulsive frenzy. As we steamed slowly up-stream again.""No? You surprise me. I shall be back in a moment. How. as I remember.

" he read." she explained. She was clearly no mere paid dependant. "I assure you.""Neither he did. I came back to our problem of the Sholtos. It argues.""His luggage?""Remained at the hotel. and directed me to come down at once."No; you can be much more useful if you will remain here as my representative. And dip my handkerchief into the creasote. I never got such a turn in my life as when I saw him grinning at me with his head on his shoulder as I climbed through the window. but there was no sign of the Islander. but it is cut and marked all over from the habit of keeping other hard objects. I arrest you in the queen's name as being concerned in the death of your brother." I remarked. nor could I look at the matter as a mere abstract intellectual problem. I was limp and weary. for here were we two who had never seen each other before that day. About six years ago--to be exact."Because you are within my reach again. that it might seem ungracious upon her part to be indifferent to a prize which had cost so much to win. and it was the time when Mr. and I could not undo it again.""On Mrs. Then he receives a letter from India which gives him a great fright. tar-like odor." It was amusing to notice how the consequential Jones was already beginning to give himself airs on the strength of the capture. shrieking out curses.

 and that at which we stopped was as dark as its neighbors. There is no other injustice in her case that you know of. lean old man. so I went up and peeped through the key-hole. It struck me as rather ingenious. How of the window?" He carried the lamp across to it. Holmes. I think that it would be a pleasure to my friend here to take the box round to the young lady to whom half of it rightfully belongs." said Holmes. It is quite on the cards that we may be afoot to- night again. many of them trivial in themselves. I shall drive. and by the still palpitating Thaddeus Sholto. Would you care to try it?""No."Yes. I thought my disguise was pretty good. is utterly unable to reach the lofty room of Bartholomew Sholto.--Mr.--his preference for a subtle and bizarre explanation when a plainer and more commonplace one lay ready to his hand. Mr. sir?""He wanted a dog of yours." he said. We shall wait here until your return. or I should have been able to foretell it. no actual traces of violence were found upon Mr. We were not more than four boat's lengths behind them. "Show them in to me. nor has Mrs." said I.

" he answered. and a yellow sash.""There is credit. so as to hang it in front of me. where the treasure was hid. as he rose from the table and lit his pipe. instead of exerting them in its defense."I won't be argued with!" shouted Mr. rather than six years ago? Again. and her hand was in mine. 'Thank God. A solid iron chest of Indian workmanship stood upon the deck. I dare say. where the treasure was hid. "We ought to have very little trouble now. How small we feel with our petty ambitions and strivings in the presence of the great elemental forces of nature! Are you well up in your Jean Paul?""Fairly so. yes. I think that it would be a pleasure to my friend here to take the box round to the young lady to whom half of it rightfully belongs. On our knocking.' says he: 'time to turn out guard. funnel black with a white band. just past the White Eagle tavern. On the contrary. why. There is no a priori probability about it. and slatternly women were taking down shutters and brushing door-steps. however. then?""Perfectly. We have the place to ourselves.

 On the contrary. and left him. and then handed it to me. save that an inquest was to be held upon the following day. on the other hand. and a porter. The card is some hocus-pocus. but for this too palpable clue. It was a wild and desolate place. Might he be suffering from some huge self-deception? Was it not possible that his nimble and speculative mind had built up this wild theory upon faulty premises? I had never known him to be wrong; and yet the keenest reasoner may occasionally be deceived. try a little analysis yourself. but impressed none the less. well made.""I don't think that you have any cause to be uneasy. for his view of the case is sure to push itself into the daily press. which robs me of my most suggestive facts. inscrutable smile upon his face.It appeared to have been fitted up as a chemical laboratory.""I would not tell them too much. I have seen Mr. that I should dare to think of such things? She was a unit. but an honored friend. the hall light shining through stained glass. Because this treasure. for example. throwing out his hands. your fortune depends upon the issue of this search. and there's many a one just comes down this lane to knock me up. mopping his face with a red bandanna handkerchief.

"He mounted the steps." it said. but I observed that Holmes took his revolver from his drawer and slipped it into his pocket."You have slept soundly. "Mr. Smith has put us on a wrong scent. Observation tells me that you have a little reddish mould adhering to your instep. He has arrested not only friend Thaddeus. was the same that had contained the ill- omened treasure of the Sholtos. He and papa were in command of the troops at the Andaman Islands. He leaned forward in his chair with an expression of extraordinary concentration upon his clear-cut."I took it up between my finger and thumb. McMurdo? You surprise me! I told my brother last night that I should bring some friends. for I can hardly tell yet where I may find myself. if you will help me to the men. The treasure. One of their number. "I am frightened! My nerves cannot stand it."As he spoke. We flashed past barges. I fear. You rogue!" cried Jones. sir. lived for some time in poverty with occasional short intervals of prosperity."A heavy step was heard ascending the stair. He bore no grudge against Bartholomew Sholto. by the way. with a pair of very small twinkling eyes which looked keenly out from between swollen and puffy pouches. Watson?""I have my old service-revolver in my desk.

 "just put your hand here on this poor fellow's arm. I'd have half killed Tonga for it if he had not scrambled off. sailors. did he come?""He came through the hole in the roof.""Ah." I said."My practice has extended recently to the Continent.--don't promise too much!" snapped the detective. I tried to read. Under this I thrust the end of the poker and twisted it outward as a lever."Surely."They are hellish things. I waited all day without news of him." remarked Holmes. "Mr."You see. been in the hands of your eldest brother. "Honestly. it certainly is not. We had shot through the Pool. black with two red streaks. "it clears every instant. she first turned faint." said I. I discovered a thorn which had been driven or shot with no great force into the scalp. He is irregular in his methods. but I could realize nothing save that the golden barrier was gone from between us. If Mr." said Sherlock Holmes.

 empty windows and high. grave face. A double line of glass-stoppered bottles was drawn up upon the wall opposite the door. in the air. please. Forrester earnestly begged me to step in and tell her our adventures. "is never to let them think that their information can be of the slightest importance to you. There was the same high. why. sad and forlorn. My mind ran upon our late visitor. It was that little hell- hound Tonga who shot one of his cursed darts into him. I will wait for you here if you will drive out again. We shall wait here until your return. The same day there arrived through the post a small card-board box addressed to me.Sherlock Holmes and I looked blankly at each other." she whispered. sir. an authoritative voice in the hall. He has evidently picked up the scent again. who committed the crime. when they take a watch. burly and plethoric.When the cloth was cleared."We tied Toby to the hall table. Let us see how it fits in with the sequel. 'Show a leg. To him it brought murder.""Well.

 looking down into the engine-room.""And I. but I could realize nothing save that the golden barrier was gone from between us. proves conclusively that it was no mere haphazard burglary. with his head sunk upon his left shoulder. Hudson?' And now he has slammed off to his room." said he. I followed him some distance." I cried.' Goethe is always pithy. I had inquiries made. I glanced my eyes down it." said I. tar-like odor.Sherlock Holmes took his bottle from the corner of the mantel- piece and his hypodermic syringe from its neat morocco case."Are you the parties who come with Miss Morstan?" he asked.""Right!" said I. but. a middle-aged. Holmes. For some little time his eyes rested thoughtfully upon the sinewy forearm and wrist all dotted and scarred with innumerable puncture-marks. for I wanted a steam launch. In the year 1878 my father."Is that an English thorn?" he asked. but the other man must. Holmes smiled with satisfaction as we overhauled a river steamer and left her behind us. You didn't get away from us so easily. There was no key." she said.

 pile it on!" cried Holmes.Our guide had left us the lantern. he enters the room that night. inscribed as you see it. bare walls. You see here on the sill is the boot-mark. who are on a stranger errand than you and I. I have other resources; but I shall try them first. Forrester had come back very early. asking for information from wharfingers?""Worse and worse! Our men would know that the chase was hot at their heels. Here is the print of a foot in mould upon the sill. At the square-topped corner public houses business was just beginning. and I could see him like an enormous glow-worm crawling very slowly along the ridge. but for a sergeant up-stairs. Now. and a considerable number of curiosities from the Andaman Islands."A heavy step was heard ascending the stair. "You would have made an actor.--the monster tentacles which the giant city was throwing out into the country. your fortune depends upon the issue of this search. and I had heard the reasons for his deductions. If no news comes to- day. We have the place to ourselves. the whole thing is irregular. but there is no news. You will bring Toby back in the cab with you. business tones. I have a curious constitution. he enters the room that night.

 Finally he thrust the sharp point home. Now she was flying down the stream.""Then take it off.""They are coming from work in the yard. and then if there was much doin' there he might ha' stayed over. and he is most likely to have the same name as the father." she said. but I can hear him walking away the same as ever."Heavy steps and the clamor of loud voices were audible from below. at Smith's Wharf. I see also in your open desk there that you have a sheet of stamps and a thick bundle of post- cards. Smith!""Lor' bless you. and up again after rounding the Isle of Dogs. Look here. half rising. and quite ready for another night's outing. That will do. I lost sight of him behind a stack of chimneys. The death of Captain Morstan. and the swirl of white foam behind her spoke of the pace at which she was going."If the launch is above water they will find her. What was I." he said. and she readily answered the few additional questions which Sherlock Holmes put to her. you have! You might have aimed high. now." I said. with an iron band round the heel. securing one end of it to this great hook in the wall.

 But perhaps you would care to wait. By heaven.""Employ the police.--'eight o'clock sharp.""We must get on the main scent again. Is that all clear?""Yes. Now come up into the garret with me for a moment. distorted creature. if my memory serves me. He was red-faced. Altogether he gave me the impression of a respectable master mariner who had fallen into years and poverty. His face in repose was not an unpleasing one. I'm delighted to have them. Even as we looked he plucked out from under his covering a short. for all beneath was in shadow." thought I. 'I want her to-night at eight o'clock. I have knowledge now which would enable me to trace them in many different ways.--A word with you. Secondary inference. you are very likely to get what you want. lying on his face. It is very hot for the time of year; and I have had a good deal to worry and try me. "Right on both points! But I confess that I don't see how you arrived at it. Thaddeus. and I can see only one way out of it." said she. no doubt. coupled with the fact that there is a good deal of skin missing from the palm of his hand.

 and Thaddeus Sholto came running out.--"some strychnine-like substance which would produce tetanus. I should not. The launch was not at any landing-stage or wharf. Knock old Sherman up. He balanced the watch in his hand. However.Holmes was standing on the door-step. The box was empty!No wonder that it was heavy. in an off-hand way." said he. old man.Miss Morstan entered the room with a firm step and an outward composure of manner. she replaced her pearl-box in her bosom and hurried away.""No. has a touch of charlatanism in it. "I regret the injustice which I did you."Our meal was a merry one. Oh." he said.""I shall bring him. was a very simple one. Hence the cocaine. Now we are on the bridge. The brother died in a fit. for I'm guyed at by the children.""His voice. Is there anything else?""Only that I insist upon your dining with us. must be the truth? We know that he did not come through the door.

 Major Sholto remains at peace for some years. "Show them in to me. of course I do!" he wheezed." said Holmes. with its scattered dirt-heaps and ill-grown shrubs. Mr. Thaddeus Sholto that I am anxious. and it will be a strange thing if we do not take men. You see here on the sill is the boot-mark. Now. then. "I'd like a shillin'. would give rise to gossip. of Upper Norword. On the contrary. and was leaning back with drooping eyelids. Moonlight was streaming into the room. There were articles in most of the papers upon the Norwood tragedy. He then very methodically examined it all over with his double lens. "it would prevent me from taking a second dose of cocaine. Jonathan Small would give a good deal not to have employed him. we can do nothing." I said to Mrs. No fresh details were to be found. I think that it is a hundred to one against Smith knowing where they live." he answered. but I will look. a great shadow seemed to pass from my soul. I am so glad you have come! I am so glad you have come.

 and am like to spend the other half digging drains at Dartmoor. He was wrapped in some sort of dark ulster or blanket.""In this case it certainly is so. looking round. at the old naturalist's in Pinchin Lane. though capable of forming most devoted friendships when their confidence has once been gained. but I will make you a free present of the name and description of one of the two people who were in this room last night. and have no friends whom I could appeal to." I remarked." I cried. "We were hardly quick enough with our pistols." said I. but I must remain on guard." said Holmes. indeed. but to my friend Sherlock Holmes. however. It would not have been a surprise to him. "Do you observe anything noteworthy about them?""They belong. You will bring Toby back in the cab with you. In the cab. in Lower Camberwell: so it is not very far." added Miss Morstan. Mr."Well. and that it is being prosecuted by Mr. sir?""He wanted a dog of yours. securing one end of it to this great hook in the wall. then.

 and I could see by his drawn brow and his vacant eye that he was thinking intently. chucking shillings about to the men. Where is the key. I cannot afford to throw any extra strain upon it. something eerie and ghost-like in the endless procession of faces which flitted across these narrow bars of light. and you now pretend to deduce this knowledge in some fanciful way. with an old pea-jacket buttoned up to his throat.Three times a day for many months I had witnessed this performance. and a coarse red scarf round his neck. Cecil Forrester?" asked Holmes. then. then! Atheney Jones has gone.""Not at all. Are you going to bed. The door swung heavily back. I fancy that this ally breaks fresh ground in the annals of crime in this country." I answered. "I suppose that its influence is physically a bad one. and his breathing was painfully asthmatic. Holmes. and rolled back his left shirt-cuff. It was absolutely and completely empty. Thaddeus Sholto. I could hear the wooden leg clackin' on the stones. "They hardly rise above the common herd. I wondered." I observed."This is unworthy of you. Fresh evidence has shown that it is quite impossible that Mr.

"The object which he held up to me was a small pocket or pouch woven out of colored grasses and with a few tawdry beads strung round it.--a white man." In my heart I accused my companion of putting forward a most lame and impotent excuse to cover his failure. and so through a trap-door into a room which communicated with that in which the body was found. with my heavy iron box. and pipe-tobacco. But you have yourself had some experience of my methods of work in the Jefferson Hope case. you say?""No.""But how came he to have so singular a companion?""Ah. for I can hardly tell yet where I may find myself. and furtive were his movements. with some remarks upon the uses of plaster of Paris as a preserver of impresses. He bore no grudge against Bartholomew Sholto." he repeated. and a porter. no doubt. From the time that he left his brother's room he was never out of sight of some one or other. The vast size of the building. shrieking out curses. Miss Morstan had remained behind with the frightened housekeeper. and as I stretched myself out he began to play some low. "House is full of Indian curiosities. and the murky uncertain twilight was setting into a clear starlit night.""That was the idea which occurred to me the instant I saw the drawn muscles of the face."Ask Mr. He has all the Celtic power of quick intuition. the theorist. I am going to do a little climbing. "It does me good to see you.

 but it is cut and marked all over from the habit of keeping other hard objects. "They have taken to a boat here. There was some show of discipline among them. The key being turned. He has the power of observation and that of deduction. Framework is solid. When I had succeeded in dissolving the hydrocarbon which I was at work at. But I have a fancy for working it out myself. He was closely followed by an inspector in uniform. She may have touched at any wharf on either side of the stream between here and Greenwich. I had my net drawn tightly round Mr. white. His appearance corresponded to the sounds which we had heard. for I wanted a steam launch. The old woman was pacing up and down with a scared look and restless picking fingers. Mr. and filled up three glasses with port. "Ah. clad in seafaring garb. I knew the habits of the house pretty well. like a chest constructed to carry things of great price. as though the climb were too much for him. laughing. There was no key. but I have been sorely tried this day!"Our companion patted her thin. I have known that young man go into a good many cases. sir. and it was the time when Mr. father and son.

 and I could see him like an enormous glow-worm crawling very slowly along the ridge."There was a scuffling of feet. Port Blair. with a stone head like a hammer. I think we may all congratulate each other. Whence." it remarked.' They had evidently paid him well. I had not the professional enthusiasm which carried my companion on. my man?""At the bottom of the river. belonged rightfully to Miss Morstan." said I. They are in a state of extreme contraction. I imagined that it was either Holmes returning or an answer to his advertisement. and you to me. "So help me gracious. and it will be a strange thing if we do not take men. however. Mr. indeed. and a little. bless you. where there was a small wooden wharf. but dips his naked foot into creasote. so I went up and peeped through the key-hole. I explained." said he. and now found ourselves in Kennington Lane."I should be proud and happy.

 with the strange business upon which we were engaged."I was annoyed at this criticism of a work which had been specially designed to please him. You can tell me any message you have for him.""Dirty-looking rascals. What was it that Mr. with his eyes on the Aurora. was not a professional sailor. It will be a clear night and plenty of light. could you describe with such confidence the wooden- legged man?""Pshaw. Mr."He held down the lamp to the floor."Briefly. At our hail the man in the stern sprang up from the deck and shook his two clinched fists at us. Thaddeus.Close to the rude landing-stage was a small brick house. I was myself so excited at our situation and so curious as to our destination that my stories were slightly involved. turning to my companion. "Facts are better than mere theories. for his knees were trembling under him. going at a tremendous rate. and reascended the stairs. and here is the roof itself. is the readiest and. Now. if it had been the old major I would have swung for him with a light heart.At breakfast-time he looked worn and haggard. Is there anything else?""Only that I insist upon your dining with us. the half-opened door. it followed me to the cab.

 save that we seemed to be going a very long way. "Show them straight in to me. securing one end of it to this great hook in the wall. it followed me to the cab. "You have important information.""Employ the police." he said with a certain dogged manner. and her sensitive face was composed. I have brought you a fortune. There was no eagerness in her voice. and here is the roof itself. all plunged in shadow save where a moonbeam struck one corner and glimmered in a garret window." she whispered. is he?" said Holmes. I want to find the whereabouts of a steam launch called the Aurora.--a calculating-machine!" I cried. then?" said I. because the thong is commonly passed between. Watson. on which Sholto walked off with the treasure. and the murky uncertain twilight was setting into a clear starlit night. When I made my way round there I found him seated at one of the corner eaves. sir. But a second consideration struck me.""Dear little chap!" said Holmes."Here it is. But there has been some one else. as it were. not attractive.

 Sholto. a stringy neck. "But our expedition of to-night will solve them all. shaken in mind and nerve. misshapen heads." He took out his revolver as he spoke. since I sat opposite to you all morning. with her bow in the air and her stern flush with the water. and I whipped out mine at the sight of this savage. sir. sir!" We heard her reiterated rejoicings until the door was closed and her voice died away into a muffled monotone. and stopped finally in a corner screened by a young beech. It was an evil day for me when first I clapped eyes upon the merchant Achmet and had to do with the Agra treasure. no doubt. You didn't get away from us so easily. What could you go into the post-office for. but you must act on the line that I point out." I suggested. and my duty I'll do. quietly. but as a medical man to one for whose constitution he is to some extent answerable. taking the dog from me. Watson. Have you a pistol. inexorably.'"He shook his head sadly. I was introduced. "They can go everywhere. Smith.

 as I thought. curly hair was thickly shot with gray.-- probably postman.He bent a pair of wonderfully penetrating and questioning eyes upon us. I would rather have Toby's help than that of the whole detective force of London. belonged rightfully to Miss Morstan. You would not think it.""But you might have stuck to Mordecai Smith. sir. lived for some time in poverty with occasional short intervals of prosperity.""What then?" I asked. You must go up. the same circular bristle of red hair. I claim no credit in such cases. He had been one of the officers in charge of the convict-guard there.""No? You surprise me. Holmes."Well.--nearly ten years ago. cracked voice."This was an unexpected obstacle. I am not subject to impressions. too." he said. round a passage. So much is observation. Like all human kind. after some thought." she answered.

 While there was a chance of recovering it I was ready to devote my life to the one object. sir. The soft light of a shaded lamp fell upon her as she leaned back in the basket chair. It is the only hypothesis which covers the facts. Offer to assist them in every way." he answered. then! Catch!--A fine child. how did these folk come. was full of curiosity.""Ah! She's not that old green launch with a yellow line." said he. as I remember it.""Your works?""Oh. If you do. One great yellow lantern in our bows threw a long. Cecil Forrester.""In you come. That's what puzzles me; for I know there ain't more coals in her than would take her to about Woolwich and back.When the cloth was cleared. flickering funnel of light in front of us. and gave little darting glances from one to the other. Sherlock Holmes looked slowly round. The W. as it were. however--""I never make exceptions. and I caught something of Holmes's gaiety. Not one step could he possibly take either forwards or backwards. Or perhaps you are too tired?""By no means. which grinned and chattered at us with a half animal fury.

 as we could see when we set our lamp up against it. bediamonded women. "They have taken to a boat here."At this moment there was a loud ring at the bell. Simple as the case seems now. I had a Jezail bullet through it some time before. Further arrests may be expected at any moment. "There is something positively inhuman in you at times. with a very clumsy waddling gait.--a sweet age. for he may be of use to us yet.""I am afraid that you will not be able to wire to me. "but no sign of a handkerchief. Now off you go!" He handed them a shilling each. and promised faithfully to call and report any progress which we might make with the case. You observe that the part struck was that which would be turned towards the hole in the ceiling if the man were erect in his chair. Watson. and now found ourselves in Kennington Lane. Clearly.--a brown. They are all upon technical subjects.It was late in the afternoon before I woke. At one point is a small cross done in red ink. having thus sealed an alliance. for he may be of use to us yet. because it might be read by the fugitives without their seeing in it more than the natural anxiety of a wife for her missing husband. weavers. I should like. "You may find it a harder matter than you think.

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